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From My Official Facebook Page...



For the people that know me well, they will know that I experienced a very traumatic birth with my son 2 and a half years ago and now that I am getting to the end of my second pregnancy with my daughter I have honestly been so frightened and fearful of what will happen this time in labour, I haven’t enjoyed my pregnancy simply for the reason of being to scared to go through anything like I already have done in the past. UNTIL I met the most wonderful and truly gifted man Vincent Grant.


Vinny worked with me over a zoom call on Monday morning, and now that I have had time to digest everything I just need to let anyone reading this know, if you have any past trauma related issues then he absolutely is your man. He’s helped me to remove my last pregnancy/labour trauma images from my mind, he’s also helped take away any fear and anxiety I was having about my upcoming labour, but most importantly Vinny helped me to connect me with my baby, it was beautiful everything from looking at her to talking to her I really did have the most magical moment. I feel connected, happy, calm, my mind is clear and most importantly I feel READY and excited for my future labour.


I cannot thank Vinny enough for the time he spent working on my needs. I am Truly so grateful to him. I am so ready to meet my daughter without a ounce of fear and that is all down to you Vinny so Thank you from the bottom of my heart.

Molly Jayne Greene

via the Official Vinny M Grant Facebook Page




I asked Vinny for help me with confidence issues for my new business. He worked with me on a wonderful way that when I finished the session I was already feeling empowered! I absolutely loved the way he worked with me finding out some emotional blockage I had and removing it in a way that now I really feel confident in myself and what I do.

If you are looking for someone to empower you and to make you feel very confident about yourself i really recommend you to work with him as I think he has a special gift to remove all that old feelings that prevent you from being better at what you do and keep going forward. Thank you Vinny, I really appreciate what you have done for me!
Cristina Solera Jiminez

via the Official Vinny M Grant Facebook Page




Wow! Just wow! become who you truly are ,not the broken version u have become, you have come to believe you are, take the next step...... Make the call xxxx
Kath Upton

via the Official Vinny M Grant Facebook Page




I've been on a bit of a spiritual journey for the last three years and have been trying to put a rape trauma from when I was 17 very much behind me to truly be free in my life. Along with growing up in a broken family due to my brother’s accidental death it lead to my parent’s very messy divorce. My partner had a session with Vinny back in 2018 and it very much opened him up more emotionally, so I realize he might be the next step to help me recover now that I was finally ready to truly move on.


Vinny helped me find the answers that I knew were already within me but definitely blocked out of my conscious mind. After I spent about two hours with Vinny I had what I could only call one of the most insane and amazing experiences of my life. I ended up connecting with myself on such a deep level and feeling like a completely different person afterwards.


Only a few weeks later I genuinely feel as though I cleared the trauma, blockages, and all the crazy charged emotions I felt were holding me back prior. It was unbelievable. I even was able to connect with my deceased brother, we held an actual conversation. Whenever I've connected with him in the past (through my medium), it’s always just been feeling him there, or envisioning him at the age when he died. Then with the assistance and prompts of questions from Vinny, I was able to connect with him on my own. My brother wrapped his arms around me and I literally felt his arms and warmth. It felt as though he was actually in front of me and we were having a conversation.


This interaction gave me so much validation to what I had realized in the beginning of our session and to then have it validated by a departed loved one, it was genuinely beyond any capacity of words and an experience that I will never forget, nor could compare to anything I've ever experienced. My words of gratitude are endless to Vinny because he helped me gave a piece of me back to myself.
Brianna Peeples

via the Official Vinny M Grant Facebook Page




I'm glazd I found Vincent, finally someone who could help. I have been free from various traumas in my childhood. They're really gone. I feel taken care of and seen for who I am. And he has made me see myself in a new way, with respect and love for myself. Now it's the future that counts, and I had a session no. 2 where we looked ahead. My best friend in heaven got to come and talk to me, and I'm so glad Vinny is open to the spiritual. I highly recommend him. With love from Rosa, Oslo-Norway.
Rosa Laurendz

via the Official Vinny M Grant Facebook Page




I deeply recommend Vinny Grant, to help human beings with their life's journey. He is highly skilled, experienced and professional. What allowed me to deeply benefit from my session with him, was his unfaltering care, compassion, respect for another being. This and his patience allowed me entrust him every step of the way, and come through feeling a peace, a stillness, a wholeness, that I'm so grateful for. Thank you Vinny, With love, Vi, South Africa.
Vijialuxmi Vi

via the Official Vinny M Grant Facebook Page




He is a warm, caring and truly professional guide to exploring the root of emotional blockages to life. I have done a huge amount of personal development work, and I haven't come across anyone that has more direct access to intuitive wisdom than Vinnie. He thoughtfully guided me to release emotions that have inhibited me from experiencing life in its full potential. I now feel much more emotional responses than I can ever remember - and it is giving my life a sense of richness that I've never felt before. Thank you Vinnie, I totally recommend your services. And you're a lovely man too!
Michael Brodie

via the Official Vinny M Grant Facebook Page




What a lovely man, I had trauma release with Vinny. he is brilliant. I felt so much better after, free in my mind, he has such a soothing and calming voice's recommend him .can't thank you enough for visiting our us ladies xx Vinny held a trauma release class for myself and friends, and I cannot thank him enough for his patience, kindness and holding such a powerful space. He has helped me get to the root of my traumas and I now I am connected with my inner self I can move forward which I never thought I could have. Vinny has also helped me with an event that has happened since the first session and again with his help I have overcome another hurdle. I cannot thank him enough for helping me with my spiritual awakening!
Marina Wright

via the Official Vinny M Grant Facebook Page




What can I say about the Vinny effect? I am home from the women’s retreat on Dartmoor feeling clearer in my head and lighter in my heart, able to deal more calmly with my life. I feel equipped with valuable tools that I can employ as issues arise. My perspective has changed. Thank you my friend! Love and light
Anne Buchanan-Brown

via the Official Vinny M Grant Facebook Page




Vinny gave me a new lease of life after my transformational change therapy! I no longer live trauma free, carrying my fears, having insomnia anxiety or depression, going psychotic. I really could not recommend him enough! He is a kind, lovely person with a wonderful spirit. If you’re looking for a true healer, then you’ve found one!
Demi Pea

via the Official Vinny M Grant Facebook Page



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